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Showing posts from October, 2011

10 Ways to Inspire Your Team

Think about it for a minute – who inspired you the most? A great sports star often inspires others to take to the sport. A colossus like Mahatma Gandhi inspired a whole nation to follow his path of Satyagraha. A Mother Teresa inspired kindness and compassion in millions. A call by Anna Hazare got thousands out on the street. For many, it is a parent whose actions inspired. Or just maybe, it was a boss at work who inspired you to be a better professional. Inspiration always germinates with an individual. As a Team leader, you have a unique opportunity to inspire. Here are 10 ways how: 1) Servant Leadership: Welcome to “Servant Leadership”. Setting goals is just a task. To inspire, you need to show people how they will reach from point A to point B – and make them believe it is truly possible. 2) The Power of a Vision: Paint a vision of what would be truly seen as a remarkable achievement for the team. Think S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Achievable, Measurable, Relevant & Time bound) goals