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If you know anyone who has passed away due to Covid-19 and was an employee under pvt sector, then their nominee/legal heir may be eligible to receive an amount up to ₹7 lakhs under the Employees Deposit Linked Insurance (EDLI) scheme. EDLI is an insurance cover provided by the EPFO (Employees Provident Fund Organisation) for private sector salaried employees. 

You may share this information with your friends and acquaintances.

E-File No: 27058 Date:29.04.2021


All ACC (Zones)

All RPFC (in Charge of ROs)

Subject: Gazette Notifcation No.GSR 299(E) dated 28.04.2021 - Reg.


Please fid eiclosed a copy of above meitioied iotifcatioi issued by the

Miiistry of Labour & Employmeit ameidiig the Employees' Deposit-Liiked

Iisuraice Scheme, 1976.

2. The said iotifcatioi provides for the followiig :

(i) The maximum assuraice beieft payable uider paragraph 22(3) of EDLI

Scheme has beei eihaiced to Rs. 7 lakh from earlier maximum beieft of Rs.6

lakh (Uider para 22(3) of the scheme, the salary multiple shall be 35).

(ii) The miiimum assuraice beieft payable uider paragraph 22(3) of the EDLI

Scheme has beei fxed as Rs.2.50 lakh w.e.f. 15.02.2020 (i.e. with efect from

the date of lapse of said beieft).

(iii) The beieft payable uider paragraph 22(3) of EDLI Scheme shall be

exteided to such beiefciaries where the deceased employee was a member of

the Fuid or a provideit fuid exempted uider Sectioi 17 of the EPF & MP Act aid

was ii employmeit for a coitiiuous period of 12 moiths precediig the moith ii

which he died, irrespective of chaige of establishmeit duriig the said period.

(iv) Uider paragraph 28(4) of EDLI Scheme, the power to grait exemptioi to a

class of employees from the provisiois of the scheme has beei delegated to ACC


(v) The moietary fie payable uider paragraph 29 of EDLI Scheme has beei

eihaiced to Rs.25,000.

3. The provisiois as meitioied ii sub-paragraph (i), (ii) & (iii) above shall

remaii ii force for a period of three years from their date of publicatioi ii the

Official Gazette.

File No.EDLI/Committee-Exem./Extension/2019

4. It is requested to briig above scheme ameidmeits to the iotice of all

employers as well as employees covered uider your jurisdictioi through

appropriate modes of publicity.

5. It also iitimated that all such proposals for grait of exemptioi from EDLI

Scheme, 1976 that may have beei forwarded to this office are required to be reexamiied

by coiceried offices ii light of above ameidmeit for further i.a. Ii

the peidiig exemptioi proposals where the establishmeit may have sought

exemptioi for a "class of employees", where such class may be regular

employees of the establishmeit or aiy other such defied class, appropriate

actioi for grait of exemptioi may be takei ii accordaice with relevait

directiois issued from time to time.

(This issues with the approval of ACC(HQ)(Peisioi))

Yours siicerely,

[Kartikey Singh]

Regional PF Commissioner-I (Pension)

Copy to:

1. RPFC-I (IS) for requisite chaiges ii the applicatioi software at earliest.

2. RPFC-I (NDC) with request for web upload.

3. DD (OL) with request for Hiidi versioi.

File No.EDLI/Committee-Exem./Extension/2019

2420 GI/2021 (1)

रजजस्ट्री स.ं डी.एल.- 33004/99 REGD. No. D. L.-33004/99





भाग II—खण् ड 3—उप-खण् ड (i)

PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (i)

प्राजधकार स े प्रकाजित


श्रम और रोजगार मंत्रालय


नई ददल् ली, 28 अप्रैल, 2021

सा.का.जन. 299(अ).—कें द्रीय सरकार, कममचारी भजिष् य जनजध और प्रकरणम उपबंध अजधजनयम, 1952 (1952 का

19) कर धारा 7 कर उपधारा (1) के साथ पठित धारा 6ग द्वारा प्रदत् त िजत तयक का प्रयोग करते ए ए कममचारी जनषेप

सहबद्ध बीमा स्ट् करम, 1976 का और संिोधन करने के जलए जनम् नजलजखत स्ट् करम बनाती है, अथामत् :-

1. (1) इस स्ट् करम का संजष त नाम कममचारी जनषेप सहबद्ध बीमा (संिोधन) स्ट् करम, 2021 है ।

(2) यह पैरा 2 के खंड (ख) के उपखंड (iv) के जो 15 फरिरी, 2020 से प्रिृत् त ए  समझा जाएगा, जसिाय राजपत्र में

उसके प्रकािन कर तारीख को प्रिृत् त होगी ।

2. कममचारी जनषेप सहबद्ध बीमा स्ट् करम, 1976 (जजसे इसमें इसके पश् चात् उत त स्ट् करम कहा गया है) के पैरा 22 के उप-पैरा

(3) में, -

(क) रंजभक भाग में “एक ही स्ट् थापना में रोजगार में था” िब् दक के स्ट् थान पर “जनयोजन में था” िब् द रखे जाएंगे;

(ख) खंड (i) में, --

(i) “तीस गुणा” िब् दक के स्ट् थान पर “पैंतालीस गुणा” िब् द रखे जाएंगे;

(ii) “या उसकर सदस्ट् यता कर अिजध, जो भी कम हो” िब् दक का लोप दकया जाएगा;

स.ं 241] नई ददल्ली, बहृ स्ट्प जतिार, अप्रैल 29, 2021/ििै ाख 9, 1943

No. 241] NEW DELHI, THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 2021/VAISAKHA 9, 1943






(iii) “एक लाख पचास हजार रुपये” िब् दक के स्ट् थान पर “एक लाख पचहत् तर हजार रुपये” िब् द रखे जाएंगे;

(iv) दूसरे परंतुक से पहले जनम् नजलजखत परंतुक अंत:स्ट् थाजपत दकया जाएगा, और 15 फरिरी, 2020 से अंत:स्ट् थाजपत दकया

गया समझा जाएगा, अथामत् :-

“परंतु बीमा प्रसुजिधा दो लाख पचास हजार रुपये से कम नहीं होगी:”;

(v) दूसरे परंतुक में, “छह लाख रुपये” िब् दक के स्ट् थान पर “सात लाख रुपये” िब् द रखे जाएंगे ।

3. उत त स्ट् करम के पैरा 28 के उप-पैरा (4) के खंड (i) में, “कें द्रीय भजिष् य जनजध युत त” िब् दक के पश् चात् “या अजतठरत त

कें द्रीय भजिष् य जनजध युत त (मु्‍ यालय) या अजतठरत त कें द्रीय भजिष् य जनजध युत त” िब् द और कोष् िक अंत:स्ट् थाजपत दकए

जाएंगे ।

4. उत त स्ट् करम के पैरा 29 कर दीघम पंक् जत में, “चार हजार रुपये” िब् दक के स्ट् थान पर “पच् चीस हजार रुपये” िब् द रखे

जाएंगे ।

5. उत त स्ट् करम के पैरा 22 के उप-पैरा (3) में दकए गए संिोधन से संबंजधत इस स्ट् करम के पैरा (2) के उपबंध इस स्ट् करम के

राजपत्र में प्रकािन कर तारीख से तीन िर्म कर अिजध के जलए प्रिृत् त हकगे ।

[फा. सं. र-16011/1/2020-एसएस-II]

र. के. गु ता, संयुत त सजचि

ठि पण : कममचारी जनषेप सहबद्ध बीमा स्ट् करम, 1976 भारत के राजपत्र, असाधारण, भाग II, खंड 3, उपखंड (i) में

सा.का.जन. सं्‍ यांक 488(अ), तारीख 28 जुलाई, 1976 द्वारा प्रकाजित कर गई थी और उसका अंजतम संिोधन अजधसूचना

सं्‍ यांक सा.का.जन. 286 (अ), तारीख 4 अप्रैल, 2019 द्वारा दकया गया था ।

स्ट् पष् िीकारक ज्ञापन

भारत के राजपत्र, असाधारण, भाग II, खंड 3, उपखंड (i), तारीख 15 फरिरी, 2018 में अजधसूचना सं्‍ यांक

सा.का.जन. 170(अ), तारीख 15 फरिरी, 2018 द्वारा प्रकाजि भारत सरकार के श्रम और रोजगार मंत्रालय कर

अजधसूचना द्वारा न् यूनतम बीमा प्रसुजिधा कर अजधकतम सीमा को दो िर्म कर अिजध के जलए बााकर दो लाख पचास हजार

रुपये कर ददया गया था, जो 14 फरिरी, 2020 को समा त हो गई थी। इसजलए उत त प्रसुजिधा को जनरंतरता प्रदान करने

के प्रयोजन के जलए इस संिोधन स्ट् करम के पैरा 2 के खंड (ख) के उपखंड (iv) को 15 फरिरी, 2020 से भूतकालीन प्रभाि

ददया गया है, जो दकसी व् यजत त के जहतक पर प्रजतकूल प्रभाि नहीं डालेगा।



New Delhi, the 28th April, 2021

G.S.R. 299(E).––In exercise of the powers conferred by section 6C read with sub-section (1) of section 7 of the

Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 (19 of 1952), the Central Government hereby

makes the following Scheme further to amend the Employees' Deposit-Linked Insurance Scheme, 1976, namely:––

1. (1) This Scheme may be called the Employees' Deposit-Linked Insurance (Amendment) Scheme, 2021.

(2) It shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette, except sub-clause (iv) of clause (b) of

paragraph 2, which shall be deemed to have come into force on the 15th day of February, 2020.

2. In the Employees' Deposit-Linked Insurance Scheme, 1976 (hereinafter referred to as the said Scheme), in paragraph

22, in sub-paragraph (3),––

(a) in the opening portion, for the words ―who was in employment of the same establishment‖, the words ―and

was in employment‖ shall be substituted;



[भाग II—खण् ड 3(i)] भारत का राजपत्र : असाधारण 3

(b) in clause (i),––

(i) for the words ―thirty times‖, the words ―thirty-five times‖ shall be substituted;

(ii) the words ―or during the period of his membership, whichever is less‖ shall be omitted;

(iii) for the words ―one lakh and fifty thousand rupees‖, the words ―one lakh and seventy-five thousand

rupees‖ shall be substituted;

(iv) before the second proviso, the following proviso shall be inserted and shall be deemed to have been

inserted with effect from the 15th day of February, 2020, namely:––

―Provided that the assurance benefit shall not be less than two lakh and fifty thousand rupees:‖;

(v) in the second proviso, for the words ―six lakh rupees‖, the words ―seven lakh rupees‖ shall be


3. In the said Scheme, in paragraph 28, in sub-paragraph (4), in clause (i), after the words ―Central Provident Fund

Commissioner‖, the words and brackets ―or Additional Central Provident Commissioner (Head Quarters) or Additional

Central Provident Fund Commissioner‖ shall be inserted.

4. In the said Scheme, in paragraph 29, in the long line, for the words ―four thousand rupees‖, the words ―twenty-five

thousand rupees‖ shall be substituted.

5. The provisions of paragraph 2 of this Scheme relating to amendments made thereto in sub-paragraph (3) of paragraph

22 of the said Scheme shall be in force for a period of three years with effect from the date of publication this Scheme

in the Official Gazette.

[F. No. R-16011/1/2020-SS-II]

R. K. GUPTA, Jt. Secy.

Note:–– The Employees' Deposit-Linked Insurance Scheme, 1976 was published in the Gazette of India,

Extraordinary, Part II, section 3, sub-section (i) vide number G.S.R. 488(E), dated the 28th July, 1976 and was last

amended vide notification number G.S.R. 286(E), dated the 4th April, 2019.


Vide the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Labour and Employment number G.S.R. 170(E),

dated the 15th February, 2018 published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, section 3, sub-section (i), dated

the 15th February, 2018, the minimum assurance benefit ceiling was increased to two lakh and fifty thousand rupees for

a period of two years, which expired on the 14th February, 2020. Therefore, for the purpose of giving continuity to the

said benefit, sub-clause (iv) of clause (b) of paragraph 2 of this amendment Scheme is given effect to retrospectively

from the 15th day of February, 2020, which will not adversely affect the interests of any person.

Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054.





Digitally signed by MANOJ


Date: 2021.04.29 16:53:13


रजिस्ट्री स.ं डी.एल.- 33004/99 REGD. No. D. L.-33004/99





भाग II—खण् ड 3—उप-खण् ड (i)

PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (i)

प्राजधकार स े प्रकाजित


श्रम एवं रोिगार मंत्रालय


नई ददल्ली, 30 अप्रैल, 2021

सा.का.जन. 315(अ).—भारत के रािपत्र, भाग II, खंड 3, उपखंड (i) में तारीख 29 अप्रैल, 2021 को अजधसूचना

संख्या सा.का. जन.299 (अ), तारीख 28 अप्रैल, 2021 द्वारा प्रकाजित कममचारी जनक्षेप सहबि बीमा (संिोधन) स्ट्कीम

2021 के पैरा 2 के खंड (ख) के उपखंड (i) में “पैतालीस गुणा” िब्दों के स्ट्थान पर “पैंतीस गुणा” िब्द पढे िाएं।

[फा. सं. आर-16011/1/2020-एसएस-II]

आर. के. गुप् ता, संयुक् त सजचव

2453 GI/2021

Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064

and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054.

स.ं 249] नई ददल्ली, सोमवार, मई 3, 2021/विै ाख 13, 1943

No. 249] NEW DELHI, MONDAY, MAY 3, 2021/VAISAKHA 13, 1943





Digitally signed by MANOJ


Date: 2021.05.03 18:14:57



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